Upcoming events
The Marriage of Figaro
University Music Bournemouth's production features music scholars from Arts University Bournemouth and Bournemouth University. Verity Joy will be playing the role of the Countess Rosina.
Thursday 6th June, 2024.
Reserve a seat now: email music@aub.ac.uk
Arts University Bournemouth Exhibition
Join the BA (Hons) Costume class of 2024 for their Summer Exhibition. Featuring costumes made by Verity Joy.
Location: Arts University Bournemouth, 7 Fern Barrow, Wallisdown, Poole BH12 5HH.
July - August 2024.
Amusing Aunt Jane
Join Verity Joy (soprano), Lisa Timbs (piano) and Annemarie Rhys-Jones (harp) for a costumed performance of Jane Austen's music collection at the Jane Austen Festival, Bath 2024.
Sunday 15th September, 6pm.
Benjamin Lester costume
Commissioned by Poole Museum, Verity Joy's Final Major Project from her BA (Hons) Costume degree will be on exhibition in early 2025.